Islamophobia: Beyond Left and Right
4th International Islamophobia Studies Research Association Annual Conference
The University of Granada, Spain | May 20-22, 2025
Call for Papers
Expressions of Interest:
Submit an abstract (max 300 words) and a one-paragraph biography (max 100 words) for inclusion in the programme if your paper is selected.
Panel Submissions:
Panel submissions are welcome and should include:
A panel description
(max 300 words)
Abstracts for individual papers
(max 250 words each)
(max 100 words each)
Submission Deadline:
15th February 2025
Islamophobia: Beyond Left and Right
Right and Left seemingly endure as common-sense ways of naming, mapping and staking out political orientations both globally and across a range of issues. Their persistence stems partly from their ability to adapt meaningfully to the changing dynamics of modern politics from the French Revolution to the present day. More than a simple political spectrum, these categories embody competing principles and values—such as justice, welfare, equality, and freedom - that shape the organisation of life and society. Progressive, leftist, and liberal politics are frequently assumed to oppose racism and imperialism, while right-wing and conservative agendas are viewed as supporting these forces.
Recent studies on Islamophobia have shown that liberal and left-wing politics are often as implicated in opposing Islamically inspired democratic forces as non-liberal and right-wing forces. This raises critical questions: How universally useful are the distinctions between Left and Right in addressing Islamophobia? How well do these distinctions map onto the politics of colonialism and empire? And how legible are these frameworks to Muslim identities, agency, and the struggle to combat Islamophobia?
This inquiry becomes ever more urgent as Islamophobia increasingly assumes genocidal forms: in Gaza’s devastation, in the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya in Myanmar, in the repression of Uyghurs and other Muslim communities in China, and in the relentless assault on Kashmiris and Muslims in India. These events not only lay bare the double standards of our time but also reveal the Islamophobic logics underpinning the so-called international liberal order.
The conference prompts us to question whether categories such as Left and Right retain analytical and strategic value in the struggle against Islamophobia or if a global reordering of the political spectrum calls for new strategic alliances and solidarity efforts in addressing this challenge for us all.
We invite papers that engage with these questions from various critical perspectives and from a range of intersectionalities, histories, and contexts that flesh out the interconnected nature of oppressions and emancipations.
Membership Information:
Membership: $300
Only members will be able to present papers at the conference.
Global South / Current PhD Membership: $150
Both sets of members will be able to present papers at the conference.
Registration: $250
For conference attendance only.
Please Note: Members DO NOT need to pay registration fees (as registration is included in their membership benefits)